Arrival & Dismissal
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures 2022-2023
- On good weather days, students may arrive at 8:15, and doors open at 8:25.
- On bad weather days, the doors open at 8:15, instead of 8:25. The earlier entrance time is meant to support the flow of traffic and not cause traffic congestion.
- Kindergarten & 2nd grade students will line up in front of the school at Door 1.
- Grades 1, 3, 4, & 5 will line up on the black top by Door 4.
- At dismissal, grade level teachers are dividing students up by car riders, bussers, & walkers. This is done for supervision purposes.
- All bussers will exit Door 1
- All car riders and walkers will exit Door 4
- Families with siblings should arrange any meeting points outside of Door 4.
Families should the car pick up lane closest to the buildings (next to the basketball court) to pick up their students. Starting 1/5/2023, the island pick up zone will no longer be used.
Updated Parking & Traffic Patterns
These are slight changes from the last two school years. The changes are reverting to pre-Covid times. To handle an expected influx of traffic on our grounds, we have updated the parking and traffic patterns at Waterbury.
- Please use the zipper method to turn into the school drop off/pick up zones.
- Starting 1/5/2023: All students should be dropped off and picked up at the drive through pick up zone nearest the building (next to the basketball court). The island pick-up lanes will no longer be used.
- During arrival and dismissal, you may only turn right to exit the school grounds.
- To cross Rodenburg Road, Dover Drive, or any other street when coming to or leaving, please use one of the crosswalk zones.
- Students should always enter or exit a vehicle on the side of the side walk. Please do not have a child open a door on the side of on coming traffic.
- Please remain patient. We average over 100 cars in our lot, and average 10 minutes before every child is picked up.
- Please stay off electronic devices. This is for your safety as well as others.
- The circle drive in front of the school is for busses only during arrival and dismissal.
- Pets are not allowed on school grounds. Please keep your pets at home when coming for arrival or dismissal.
- The school playground is closed every morning. And after school the playground is closed, unless a student has a parent/guardian to supervise.